

Cindi Boiter – editor-in-chief
Kyle Petersen – assistant editor
W. Heyward Simsart director
Forrest Clonts – photography editor
Kara Gunter — visual arts editor
Ed Madden – literary arts editor
Wade Sellers – film editor
Michael Spawn – music editor
Tom Dempster — assistant music editor for classical and new music
Chris Robinson – visual arts editor emeritus
Bonnie Boiter-Jolley contributing dance editor
Julia Liz Elliott — contributing editor
Thomas Hammond — staff photographer
Susan Levi Wallachstaff writer
Jonathan Butler — staff writer
Elizabeth Breen — staff writer
Annie Boiter-Jolley operations manager
Dr. Robert B. Jolley, Jr., – Publisher

Jasper – The WORD on Columbia Arts is a publication of Muddy Ford Press

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Kyle Petersen – music-editor in-chief

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